Monday, January 23, 2012

A Camp Story

We had been in country for 4 months and relatively new with the language when I was asked to lead a small group. How is this suppose to work? They speak one language, I another. So with the help of a teammates son, who new the language better than I, we lead this small group in evening discussions. The theme of the camp was around the Gospel. Every talk was about sin, the Cross, redemption, and grace. I have to be honest with you, having worked with teenagers before, I wasn't expecting too much here. But then it happened. Right there in the beautiful mountains with a group of 13-17 year olds, the Holy Spirit went to work. We started talking about the cost of discipleship and asked their opinion of it and suddenly one person with tears in her eyes said, "I want to choose Christ." WOW!! Then another person and then another. I was in awe. One, that these students were really wanting Christ and secondly, how little my faith was that God was working in their lives. They showed know signs of it all week. Now they wanted Him?!?! Oh how wretched of a man I am. How can I call myself a Cross-Cultural Servant when I don't even trust in the power of God. God was actively moving in these students lives and I didn't believe that He was nor could! I will never forget this week in my life. One for what God did in these students lives but also in mine. How we must rely on His power and His Spirit each day and to trust that He is working...all the time.

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